Sunday, March 28, 2010


is Everything and Everywhere.

I sometimes wonder to see many definitions about love declared by people who pretend they experienced it - I would say, most of them experienced only a part of it. I've asked myself the below questions in the long moments of silence:

Is it something that can be defined at all?

Can love be expressed in the form of a feeling?

Can love be shown in the form of a scene as does on screens?

The only answer I get : "Its impossible".

How can someone define something which is everything?

In my terms, Love is something that cannot be defined. It's a divine power. You can not define something that is everything and everywhere. This power is there only to be experienced but not to control. Love is a must to build a bond, to maintain peace and to go on living a full life. I don't think there is anyone who can experience its full potential.

I strongly feel, there is one thing that let everyone to experience the pure form of Love
.. One thing that knows only giving.. One thing that is as pure as divinity .. That is ... "The Nature". If there is a pure form of Love, It is the Form of Nature.

Love, Nature and the Bond

Among all the matter of universe: Love flows like water, blows like air and burns like fire. Love is unlimited in the form of sky and it has the character of earth's forbearance. In my terms true love and its full potential can be experienced from nature. Because, Nature knows only giving. It will not anticipate anything back. Nature possesses boundless energy in the form of love. It gives all pleasures and accepts all inflictions but never depicts of feeling it.

If you look through the eye of nature, you know what the TRUE LOVE mean. Did you ever walk in the woods to feel the grass under your feet? Did you ever walk in the rain to feel the sense of droplets touching your skin? Did you ever feel the sense of warmth from the sun early winter morning? Did you ever feel the sense of freedom to see blue sky with white clouds? Did you ever feel the cool breeze touching your soul and body? You must feel these to understand the nature's self-less love.

The same way, True Love knows only giving and doesn't expect anything back. True love possess only pleasure, not the pain. Pain only starts when you start expecting something back from what you pretend you loved (In fact, its not called true love). Since love possess all positive qualities one should love and be loved.

So, to maintain balance in the universe, Love should be shared. Love should flow among all living beings which brings everyone to full life. Whatever you give, you will sure get it back in some way. It's the law of nature. So, Learn giving.

In our daily lives we share love among our family members, close friends and lovely people around us. The more we love them, the more we loved by them. As love has no limitation, you can share it to all people around you. Love is not a bank account which get empty after withdrawing all the money. You can always give more and experience more. You can use this unlimited power in your daily lives and experience the beauty of it. Love has the power of changing everything with its potential. You will be a loser if you try to control it. So, Just feel it.

Love and be Loved !

Love would only give pleasure, not pain.
Love would only give hope, not despair.
Love would only be given, not expected to be taken.
Love would only be defensive, not offensive.
Love would only know success, not failure.
Love is the creator, not the destroyer.
Love is the freedom, not the prison.
Love would only ...
Love would only ...
Love would only ...
Love is the ...
Love is the ...
Love is the ...
Love is Eternal ...